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A Heartfelt Thanks to Staff


Over the last few months we have heard some harrowing stories of care homes being badly affected by the coronavirus epidemic, causing great distress to both residents and staff.

Several of the residents here at Bernhard Baron Cottage Homes have asked me as chair of the forum committee to publicly thank the staff of this outstanding home, for so far bringing us safely through. Every member of staff has gone the extra mile to keep us safe. Many of them have had to give up holidays and family outings to avoid the risk of bringing in the infection. Their families are suffering too because of their dedication.

Normally as residents. we mix freely. Now we are separated into two ‘bubbles’ and cottagers can no longer go into the main building, creating more work for the staff. Many activities to pass the time and keep fit have been thought up. Daily exercise to music has kept many of the cottagers mobile, Daily exercise to music has kept many of the cottagers mobile. and a marquee complete with coffee machines, known as the Cafe Royale, provides a meeting place for quizzes, bingo, music and socialising, suitably distanced, of course.

One of the carers who was a hairdresser has helped us keep pride in our appearance. The kitchen staff have so much extra work as they prepare individual meals for the cottagers, remembering all their special dietary needs. We can't forget the two volunteers who have come every day to deliver the meals to the cottages. All have worked with a good grace and a smile.

The gardens and maintenance stalwarts have had to turn their hands to anything and everything, but still manage to keep the gardens immaculate and everything indoors working smoothly. The housekeeping and laundry staff have had extra work keeping everything sanitised and doing the cottagers' washing as the laundry room is out of bounds. Again they do it with a smile. All this has been achieved under our excellent management team who always take time to keep us up to date with any decisions they take.

So, I offer a heartfelt thank you to all our unsung heroes, from everyone resident in this lovely, truly caring home.


Bernhard Baron Cottage Homes


Unknown member
Feb 01, 2021

Great letter mum.....and a heartfelt thanks to all staff from me.


Unknown member
Aug 08, 2020

Thankyou Joan, lovely letter xx

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